

Scale-free plate (top) and scaled plate (bottom)

The ED2000 Deposit Control System is a newly developed, newly improved solution to the age-old problems of scale deposits. In the past, attempts at understanding how these types of technologies worked have been futile. Today, a clear understanding of how mineral precipitation fouling forms and how it adheres to heat transfer sites is the basis for developing a consistent and reliable solution. These critical steps have been accomplished through an extensive research and development effort. The result:
  • A clear understanding of how electronic descaling works, where it works and where it is not applicable.
  • Patented improvements to insure consistent and reliable performance.
  • Laboratory validation performed through scientifically accepted protocol by the well-respected Drexel University research team.
  • Field-tested through leading organizations.
  • Effective solution to mineral precipitation fouling that can be applied to many types of applications


 ED2000 Features and Benefits